Project Finance NewsWire

October 2002


Potential Effects of Invading Iraq

Chadbourne surveyed power company executives, bankers and consultants in late September about what effects they foresee on the project finance market if the United States invades Iraq...

The Giga-NOPR

The US government published 600 pages of proposals at the end of July that the newspapers said could transform how electricity is produced and sold in the United States...

Tax Issues In Debt Restructurings

Many banks and US power companies are currently engaged in debt restructuring talks, but the parties to these talks are not always aware of the minefield through which they walk...

Anticipating A Possible Bankruptcy

Creditors renegotiating debt terms should keep a watchful eye on the potential bankruptcy implications of the proposed restructuring, lest the troubled borrower eventually wind up in bankruptcy...

Mexican Electricity Reforms?

President Vicente Fox sent the Mexican Congress an energy reform package in mid-August. The initial reaction in Congress was sour, but the package is starting to attract support...

International Commercial Arbitration

This article discusses why arbitration — as opposed to other means – is usually the preferred method for settling disputes in cross-border transactions...

Environmental Update

NSR Reforms The Bush administration’s plans for reforming the “new source review,” or “NSR,” air permitting regime has come under fire from Senate Democrats and environmentalists...



Brazil increased the PIS tax rate from 0.65% to 1.65% effective on December 1, but also allowed a crediting mechanism that will reduce the taxes owed in some cases.


Peru threatened to renegotiate tax stability contracts with foreign investors, but then backed away.


California said that out-of-state generators who sell electricity into California earn their income outside the state.

Tax Planning Memos

TAX PLANNING MEMOS from an accounting firm had to be turned over to the Internal Revenue Service, but similar written advice from two law firms was protected from disclosure...

Minor Memos

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America is expected to ask the US Treasury Department for a ruling that gas intertie payments do not have to be reported by interstate pipelines