The terrorist attacks on the US expected to affect the project finance market | Norton Rose Fulbright
Here are the main points that came out of a survey of chief financial officers and general counsels at project developers, top bankers and investment bankers, and others involved in the market...
Spotlight On Captive Insurance | Norton Rose Fulbright
More and more companies appear to be setting up captive insurance subsidiaries. In 2000, the number of captives increased worldwide by 31.6% over the prior year, climbing to more than 3,400...
California: Crisis Over? | Norton Rose Fulbright
As summer turns to autumn, the electricity and gas markets in California are more or less back to “normal...
A Growing New Source Of Finance: Venture Capital
Venture capital investments in the energy sector are on a dramatic upswing...
Training Session: Letters Of Credit
Chadbourne runs internal training sessions for lawyers in the project finance group and interested clients...
Environmental Update - October 2001
The environmental agenda is yet another casualty of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11...
Tax treatment of electric interties will be settled by late November | Norton Rose Fulbright
THE TAX TREATMENT OF ELECTRIC INTERTIES will be settled by late November, officials at the US Treasury Department said. However, the World Trade Center disaster could delay things...
IRS told synfuel from coal plants that they will have to agree to limit output to the “contract capacity” of a plant | Norton Rose Fulbright
THE IRS TOLD OWNERS OF SYNFUEL PLANTS that make synthetic fuel from coal that they will have to agree to limit output to the “contract capacity” of a plant if they want a ruling that the plant qua...
Windfall priofits tax on electricity generators failed to pass the California legislature | Norton Rose Fulbright
A WINDFALL PROFITS TAX on electricity generators failed to pass the California legislature before the legislature adjourned in late September...
Louisiana clarified that owners of new merchant power plants built in the state qualify for a 10-year holiday from parish and local property taxes | Norton Rose Fulbright
LOUISIANA clarified in late August that owners of new merchant power plants built in the state qualify for a 10-year holiday from parish and local property taxes...
West Virginia
West Virginia increased a reclamation tax on coal mining from 3¢ to 14¢ a ton, effective next January 1.
Windpower projects will probably receive a break on property taxes from West Virginia | Norton Rose Fulbright
WINDPOWER PROJECTS will probably receive a break on property taxes from West Virginia...
Vietnam imposed a 25% surtax on highly profitable companies.
Peru adjusted its income tax rates
Debt restructuring: The owners of a distressed hydroelectric project tried to avoid having to report taxable income after its lenders wrote off part | Norton Rose Fulbright
DEBT RESTRUCTURING: The owners of a distressed hydroelectric project tried — apparently without success — to avoid having to report taxable income after its lenders wrote off part of the project d...
Irs provided a roadmap for how to draft a hybrid loan | Norton Rose Fulbright
THE IRS PROVIDED A ROADMAP for how to draft a hybrid loan...
IRS nixed a scheme to release foreign tax credits for use in the US that were trapped in an offshore subsidiary | Norton Rose Fulbright
THE IRS NIXED A SCHEME TO RELEASE FOREIGN TAX CREDITS for use in the US that were trapped in an offshore subsidiary...
A second scheme to release foreign tax credits also was shot down | Norton Rose Fulbright
A SECOND SCHEME TO RELEASE FOREIGN TAX CREDITS also was shot down. A US parent company owned an offshore subsidiary that had paid foreign taxes on its earnings...
Tax planning memo prepared by an accounting firm could not be withheld from disclosure to the IRS under the “attorney client privilege” | Norton Rose Fulbright
A TAX PLANNING MEMO prepared by an accounting firm could not be withheld from disclosure to the IRS under the “attorney client privilege,” a federal court said...
Five promoters are being investigated by the IRS for failure to register transactions the government considers corporate tax shelters | Norton Rose Fulbright
FIVE PROMOTERS are being investigated by the IRS for failure to register transactions the government considers corporate tax shelters...