Financing Projects With Unproven Technologies
Many new projects are coming to the market for financing after a lull of several years...
Secrets of the Biodiesel Market
The ethanol market showed signs of cooling this fall because of falling oil prices and fears about overcapacity, but interest in new biodiesel plants remains hot...
Market Gone with the Wind, Or Whose Line Is It Anyway?
What if you built a transmission line in order to get the electricity from your wind farm to market and you expected to be able to use the extra space on the line for your next project? Does that ...
Using Derivatives to Finance New Power Plants; the challenge for independent generators to finance new projects
Roughly 41,000 megawatts of generating capacity are expected to be retired in the United States from Maryland up the eastern seaboard to Maine in the next 10 years...
New Rules Would Require Independent Generators to Help Maintain Grid Reliability
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission proposed in late October to approve 83 “reliability standards” proposed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation — called NERC — for maintain...
When Subsidies Reduce Tax Credits in Renewable Energy Projects | Norton Rose Fulbright
Congratulations. You have learned that your energy project will benefit from state or local financial incentives...
More Tolls on Interstate Highways?
Various states are moving to collect tolls on Interstate 95, the main north-south highway along the eastern seaboard in the United States...
Environmental Update - November 2006 | Norton Rose Fulbright
California became the first US state to impose statewide caps on greenhouse gas emissions in late September...