Project Finance NewsWire

March 2011


Storm Clouds In The Middle East

Political unrest has turned what looked like a promising year for project finance in the Middle East into another year of uncertainty, at least in the short term...

Project Sales: Market Update

The following is an edited transcript from a roundtable discussion in late January at the Infocast Projects & Money conference in New Orleans about what to expect in 2011 in M&A transactio...

China Wind Power Update

Despite a recent tide of positive news generated by the Chinese wind power industry, a deeper look reveals a large number of challenges facing both equipment manufacturers and project developers a...

Funding UK Subsidiaries: Debt or Equity?

Foreign companies setting up subsidiaries or intermediate holding companies in the United Kingdom would do better to capitalize them with debt rather than all equity...


Developer Fees

Developer fees are becoming more common in renewable energy projects ...

The 100% Depreciation Bonus

The 100% depreciation bonus may prove illusory for many renewable energy projects. The Internal Revenue Service is working on guidance that it hopes to issue in March...

A Solar Developer

A solar developer won an initial round in court against the US Treasury in January, but it has farther to go...

IRS Regulations

IRS Regulations will be harder to challenge after a US Supreme Court decision in January...

Community Wind Projects

Community wind projects have been using interesting financing structures, according to a report in January by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The Fox Islands project, a 4...

Earn Outs

Earn outs are common when companies with a number of wind, solar or other projects under development are sold...

New Jersey

New Jersey confirmed that Treasury cash grants paid on renewable energy projects in the state are not subject to state corporate income taxes.


Grants that low-income housing developers received from state housing agencies out of federal stimulus dollars under a so-called TCAP program—tax credit assistance program—had to be reported as income.


California said out-of-state corporations must file franchise tax returns if they own “disregarded” subsidiaries that do business in the state.

The District of Columbia

The District of Columbia reneged on a promise to reimburse 51 residents who installed solar panels for roughly a third of the cost. The city said it will try to find money in next year’s budget...

Minor memos

Owners of biomass projects were given a reprieve by the US Environmental Protection Agency...