Project Finance NewsWire

December 2020


Climbing insurance premiums

Property and casualty insurance premiums have increased as much as 400% over the last two years in the solar market. Some insurance may not be available at any cost.

Energy storage hedges

Some developers of standalone battery projects in ERCOT are hedging revenue from ancillary services.

Post-election analysis

The renewable energy industry has had to play defense the last four years. Now it gets to start playing offense.

Mexican rollbacks move to the courts

The Mexican government has been dialing back private participation in the Mexican power sector. The Mexican courts have been holding firm against the changes in policy.

Environmental update

President-elect Biden has ambitious plans on climate change, but will have to focus mainly on what can be done through regulatory and executive actions.


Washington outlook for renewable energy

The Biden Administration​ will face greater challenges than any recent administration, not the least of which is the possibility that Donald Trump will remain a constant thorn after leaving office.

Renewables trajectory

Some renewable energy companies are thinking about special-purpose acquisition companies — called SPACs — as a possible means to access the public equity markets.