Minor memos

Minor memos

February 02, 2005 | By Keith Martin in Washington, DC

MINOR MEMOS. Montana is moving to reduce property taxes on wind farms. Land and equipment used for windpower projects would be taxed at a 1.5% rate compared to 6% for other power projects. The state Senate voted for the rate reduction on January 25. The proposal goes next to the House . . . . The IRS told a US company on audit that it should not have used tax-exempt bonds to finance a facility for storing spent
nuclear fuel rods. Tax-exempt bonds can be used to finance facilities that dispose of “solid waste.” The agency said in a “technical advice memorandum” — or ruling to settle a dispute arising out of an audit — that a comment by Congress when it wrote the law that solid waste “does not include most hazardous
waste (including radioactive waste)” rules out spent fuel rods. The ruling is TAM 200452034. The IRS made it public on Christmas Eve.