Project Finance NewsWire

September 1999


NOx Reduction Plans in Turmoil

US efforts to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions from power plants and other facilities that burn fossil fuels in 22 states east of the Mississippi River are in turmoil after two recent court decisio...

US Action Closer On Corporate Tax Shelters

US companies with deals that might not close until very late this year should take into account the possibility that Congress might pass legislation this fall to penalize corporations and outside ...

Ukraine To Sell Off Utility Assets

Ukraine is expected to release details this fall for a planned selloff of 31 “voblast Energos,” or regional electric utilities. Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma issued a decree (Decree No...


Tax Havens are Expected to Come under Fire

Tax havens are expected to come under fire next year in reports by the organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) and a special tax force on money laundering of the G-7 countries.


Colombia ruled that technical services that an offshore company performs for a Colombian company are not subject to value-added taxes if the services are performed offshore.


Pennsylvania enacted a new tax credit to encourage projects to make synthetic fuels from coal.


Indonesia is expected in November to unveil a new set of tax incentives to lure foreign investors.

BRIEFLY NOTED - September 1999

BRIEFLY NOTED: President Clinton created an interagency panel in August to report back in eight months on how to increase use of biomass, including for generating electricity...