Project Finance NewsWire

June 2003


Congress Moves To Modify PURPA

Congress is expected to make significant changes in the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act — called “PURPA”— this fall...

US Fire Sale?

Most merchant power companies in the United States have been under pressure from the rating agencies and the banks, since Enron collapsed, to sell assets in an effort to pay down debt...

When Banks Foreclose

As more borrowers slip from full performance to covenant default, and then from covenant default to payment default, lenders are reviewing security packages and planning whether and how to exercis...

Use Of Power Lines For Other Services

The Federal Communications Commission launched an investigation in late April into the use of electric distribution lines to provide telephone and Internet access services, called “power line communications,”

Environmental Update

Senate confirmation hearings on a new person to head the US Environmental Protection Agency are expected to be contentious and will provide a forum for Congress to complain about the Bush administ...