Project Finance NewsWire

December 2001


Fallout From Enron

Chadbourne asked many thoughtful people in the project finance community in the few days before and after Enron filed for bankruptcy what effect they foresee from Enron’s struggles on the independ...

FERC Adopts New Test For Market Rates

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued two orders at the end of November that mark a significant change in its tests for approving market-based rates for public utilities...

Wind Projects Advance In California

As California emerges from the power crisis of the past year, windpower is uniquely positioned to benefit from a new focus on power supply, although some barriers to more widespread development re...

Current Issues In Construction Contracts

A longstanding tenet of project finance dogma is that a project must be constructed pursuant to a lump-sum, turnkey engineering, procurement and construction or “EPC” contract where the risks of d...

Political Risk Coverage: What’s New?

The October Newswire carried an article reviewing the core traditional political risk insurance coverages available from the private and public agency insurers, namely coverage against expropriati...

Mega Gas Project Advances In Bolivia

The Republic of Bolivia, Sempra Energy and an international consortium formed by Repsol-YPF, British Gas and British Petroleum signed a memorandum of understanding in early December to develop an ...

Projects Lose Acid Rain Protection

Whenever a power contract terminates or is bought out by a utility or is modified in a manner that allows the owner of the power plant to pass through new costs, it may have the unintended and cos...

Environmental Update - December 2001

Environmental issues are receiving little attention from Congress or the Bush administration in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks — with two notable exceptions...



Louisiana will have to defend in court its view that owners of new merchant lower plants built in the state qualify for a 10-year tax holiday from parish and local property taxes


Hungary will overhaul its income tax system and make tax cuts in 2002,the finance minister said in October